Wednesday, May 29, 2013


This is my electronic photo album on the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California. President Reagan was the first US president whom I voted for and is regarded as one of the greatest US presidents in the 20th Century for having won the Cold War, dismantling the Soviet Union and freeing Eastern Europe with tha fall of the Berlin Wall.

The unlikely partnership between President Reagan, a devoted anti-communist advocate of capitalism, and President Mikhail Gorbachev, a staunch Marxist, led to the first ever reduction in nuclear arms and to the eventual collapse of the Soviet regime. 

It was Ronald Reagan's happiness, his optimism, his enjoyment of life and his undying belief in the inherent goodness and spirit of the American people that got us to believe in ourselves again and put the US back on track. This is the enduring legacy of the Presidency of Ronald Reagan.


Thank you for visiting my photo blog. There are so many California tourist attractions, it’s hard to know where to begin. From Sea World-San Diego in the south to majestic Mt. Shasta near its northern border, California is without a doubt a vacationer’s paradise. I hope that my photos have given you a glimpse of the immense beauty and wonder of the Golden State.

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